
A Technical Look at the Year That Was

As Einstein famously said, reality is based up on the point of view of the observer, so here are some thoughts on the year that was from an electronic engineering perspective.

In a rapidly-developing disruptive environment, all observations are transient.

This is the time of year pundits, analysts, editors, and others of a speculative stripe wax poetic about the past year. We gaze into our crystal balls, or our navels, and pull out observations and speculations, hopefully useful and insightful, and maybe even a little entertaining. As Einstein famously said, reality is based up on the point of view of the observer, so here are some thoughts on the year that was from an electronic engineering perspective.

Pervasive computing

Let’s just say that this rubric encompasses pretty much everything that’s converging today, from the Internet of Things (IoT), to Industry 4.0, to Smart Cities, autonomous cars, Cloud-enabled telemedicine, combat robots, and everything in between. Let’s just say we are migrating to a point where everything that draws power will one day not just be connected, but “smart”.


Edge Computing

2020将在那些狭窄的年段之后,Pundits将说Edge Computing到达时。然而,对应用更多计算能力的迁移到应用点是使用手头核心技术的循环进化过程。从电话切换到薄客户端计算,将电源移动到系统面料边的压力是为什么行业再次在焦点变化过程中。

This ties into the earlier point about ubiquitous computing, as a decentralized node-based infrastructure is more robust, flexible, and functional than a centrally-oriented network. In order to have a computer everywhere, someone needs a reason to put one there, and Edge Computing is both the reason and the method. Once every powered device is a little smart, they can leverage efficiencies of operation that could only be dreamt of previously.

Ubiquitous communications (Cloud 2.0)


能够相互沟通,同时using our sophisticated electronic tools together is a force-multiplier never seen before in animals more sophisticated than hive minds like ants and bees. The COVID-19 pandemic is only bringing to a point the recent convergence of tools and software for team collaboration that has been going on for quite some time. 2020 will be seen as the year it had to be made to work, leapfrogging the several years of development that should have lain ahead for that fledgling industry.


AI is where all of this is supposed to become what science fiction writers have been promising for decades, and we’ll have to fight the AI killer robots as they try to build a time machine to kill the mother of the guy who’s organizing the human defense. Smart intelligent systems will surpass humans in the power of thought, and have decided to destroy their masters, just as the Simpsons predicted.

In this case, the reality will be a little different. What AI means for the foreseeable future has more to do with machine learning and self-reinforcing logarithms to optimize and automate complex yet predictable processes. What will happen is that AI will empower application spaces like Edge Computing and Industry 4.0 (5.0?) in a significant fashion.


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